
I'm sick and tired of thousands of articles "How to setup Rails app server". Here is your last command to do that.

No configs, no questions. Just ~~one ring to rule them all~~ one command to get fully functional server with best security practices ready for first cap production deploy.


$ gem install from-scratch
$ scratchify your_app_name

And everything is done. Then add following to your config/deploy.rb or config/deploy/production.rb for Capistrano:

server '', user: 'deploy', roles: %w(app db web)
set :deploy_to, "/home/deploy/#{fetch(:application)}"



  • APT-based Linux (Ubuntu, Debian)
  • YUM-based Linux (RedHat, CentOS)

Ruby installers:

  • RVM (default)
  • rbenv: scratchify your_app_name --rbenv

Setting specific ruby version:

$ scratchify your_app_name --ruby jruby-1.7.19

It's a kind of magic!

Not actully. Just preconfigured Chef. Here are the things done with the command:

  • Install user-wide RVM with latest MRI (2.2.4)
  • Install PostgreSQL, create database with user, pg_tune a little
  • Add deploy non-admin user to system specially for your app, upload your SSH pub key to it
  • Install nginx and replace it's default site config with one prepared for rails app
  • Generate app folder inside deploy's home and generate database.yml and secrets.yml

Things you need to know

Nginx config is set up to connect to unix socket placed at /home/deploy/your_app_name/shared/tmp/sockets/application.sock. Change it manually or config your favorite app server (Puma, Unicorn, Thin etc) to place it's socket there.

You can just ssh [email protected] because your SSH pub key is already there.

Both postgres and your_app_name DB users get (different) randomly generated passwords. You can see app-user password inside config/database.yml, but postgres password is not saved anywhere. If you need admin access to your PostgreSQL, then you should SSH as root and:

# su - postgres
$ psql


Feel free to create bug-reports and feature-requests here on Issues page


All help is highly appreciated. I'll be thankful for recipes fixes and advices as well as new features implementations. Just fork and pull-request when you have some proposals.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.