Codeship Status for BookerSoftwareInc/frederick_api_gem

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This gem provides a client for Frederick's V2 APIs.

Note: Our V2 APIs have not yet been released for use by customers or partners. See Frederick Developers for supported APIs and documentation.


Put this in your Gemfile:

gem 'frederick_api'

You're now ready to go with Frederick's v2 API!

Configuring FrederickAPI

You can use FrederickAPI.configure or environment variables to configure the Frederick API client.

# config/initializers/frederick_api.rb
FrederickAPI.configure do |c|
  c.base_url = ''
  c.public_base_url = ''
  c.api_key = '1234-5678-1234-5678-1234-5678'

Environment variables can also be used:

  • FREDERICK_API_BASE_URL: Same as base_url above
  • FREDERICK_API_PUBLIC_BASE_URL: Same as public_base_url above
  • FREDERICK_API_KEY: Same as api_key above


  • For testing (default), use FREDERICK_API_BASE_URL = and FREDERICK_API_PUBLIC_BASE_URL =
  • For production, use FREDERICK_API_BASE_URL =

NOTE: You must specify the production base URL of in order to use this gem with Frederick's production API.


Frederick V2 Resources correspond to (JSON API compatible) APIs and use the json_api_client gem under the hood, so provide access to standard "ActiveRecord-like" functionaliy such as .create, .find, .where, .order, .includes to create, find, filter, sort, and include relationships.

Access Tokens

An access token is required to access resources on behalf of a use. Use Resource.with_access_token { ... } to make requests with an access token.

location_id = '6fdf0530-3e4e-46f1-9d11-5f90c48a50dc'
access_token = '9jsdo320fjfkfdksls30dfdcd919bcaa1b7804dbbebda0'
FrederickAPI::V2::Location.with_access_token(access_token) do
  # Fetch a location
  location = FrederickAPI::V2::Location.find(location_id).first
  # => #<FrederickAPI::V2::Location:0x007fd2f29a7618>
  # => 'Bizzy Biz'

  # Update a location = 'Biz Bizziest'
  # => true

  # To instantiate a resource for update without fetching it first, use `.load` with id
  location = FrederickAPI::V2::Location.load(id: location_id)
  location.update_attributes(phone_number: '(555) 555-5555')
  # => true

Nested Resources

Nested resources must be accessed using where to scope the request:

location_id = '6fdf0530-3e4e-46f1-9d11-5f90c48a50dc'
access_token = '9jsdo320fjfkfdksls30dfdcd919bcaa1b7804dbbebda0'
FrederickAPI::V2::Location.with_access_token(access_token) do
  # Find contacts
  contacts = FrederickAPI::V2::Contact.where(location_id: location_id).page(1).per(100).to_a
  # => [...]

Background Jobs

FrederickAPI Gem handles asynchronous responses as suggested in JSONApi Recommendations Asynchronous Processing. Polling until the job is complete, fetching and returning the completed resource.

  • A FrederickAPI::V2::Errors::BackgroundJobFailure exception is raised if the API returns an error on an asyncronous job.
  • A BackgroundJob Resource will be returned from the client in the case that a successful job does not return a resources.