
FractionLife is a weighted randomizer that returns a single integer. The randomizer is called with the generate method:


Half the time that call returns 1. Of the other half of the time, half the time it returns 2. Of the other half of that time, half the time it returns 3, etc. So the probablity of any given integer n being returned is .5 ^ n.


gem install fraction_life


Mike O'Sullivan [email protected]


version date notes
0.0.6 Nov 9, 2018 Working out how to structure gem. No significant changes to functionality.
0.0.5 Nov 8, 2018 Cleaning up documentation.
0.0.4 Nov 8, 2018 Completely rewrote code to run more efficiently.
0.0.3 - Accidentally skipped a number, so there never actually was a version 0.0.3.
0.0.2 Nov 4, 2018 Minor fixes to documentation.
0.0.1 Nov 4, 2018 Initial upload.