Fotorama for Ruby on Rails

Fotorama is a simple, stunning, powerful JavaScript gallery.

This is packager, that allows you to simply install and maintain Fotorama by RubyGem in Rails Assets Pipeline.

Fotorama is created and maintained by Artem Polikarpov.


  1. Add fotoramajs gem to Gemfile:
   gem 'fotoramajs'
  1. Install gems:
   bundle install
  1. Include jQuery in your project. I recommend jquery-rails-cdn.
  2. Include Fotorama script, for example, in
   #= require fotorama
  1. Include Fotorama styles, for example, in application.css.sass:
   @import 'fotorama'
  1. Use Fotorama by documentation.


To update original library, you can use rake update task.