
This gem allows the simple searching for and saving of images to your app. Various photo-searching API's will provide more consistent results, but this is a quick way to find images matching a query. For instance, I use it to fetch movie posters for a movie suggestions site, which dynamically creates the content on each page load.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'fotofetch'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install fotofetch

Basic Usage

  • Initiate an instance of Fotofetch:
    ruby @fetcher =
  • To fetch an image of a Tesla Model S: ruby link = @fetcher.fetch_links("tesla model s")
  • To save the link to your file directory (links must be in an array, so call .values): ruby @ff.save_images(link.values, './')
    The 'save_images' method takes two arguments: link(s) and the file path for where to save.

More Specific Queries

Arguments for the 'fetch_links' method are: search value (required), number of links returned (optional), and two dimension restrictions arguments (optional: width, height).

If a dimension argument is positive, it will look for pictures larger than that, and if the number is negative, results will be restricted to those smaller than that. Note that adding dimensions restrictions to your query will slow it down.

  • To find a 1 small photo of Jupiter less than 500px x 500px: ruby @fetcher.fetch_links("jupiter", 1, -500, -500) To find 3 large photos of Jupiter: ruby links = @fetcher.fetch_links("jupiter", 3, 1500, 1500) And to save all of those links: ruby @fetcher.save_images(links.values, './') If a small or large enough image is not found, dimension restrictions will be disregarded.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.