
FossGit provides a simple command line utility for creating and updating Git repositories as (one-way) mirrors of Fossil repositories.


Install the Ruby Gem:

$ gem install fossgit

If, for some reason, that is not an available option for you or you wish to do things the hard way, there is another installation method:

  1. Clone it from the Fossil repository, the GitHub mirror, or the GitLab mirror.

  2. Build a gem, using this command:

    gem build fossgit.gemspec
  3. Install the gem, using this command, using the whole filename of the gem filename, substituting the actual version number for <version:

    gem install fossgit-<version>

If that still does not suit your needs, you're on your own for now. I'd be happy to accept suggestions for additional installation methods to describe.


After installation, you can use this command to see documentation for command line usage and (optional) configuration:

$ fossgit -h

Basic Command Line

With an open checkout of your Fossil repository:

$ cd /path/to/open/fossil/checkout
$ fossgit /path/to/git/repository


The following is just a basic introduction to FossGit configuration. See full config documentation via the command line tool's -h option.

By placing a config file in the directory that will serve as your working directory while running fossgit (typically the root of your Fossil repository checkout directory tree), you can do away with the need to specify the path to the local Git repository mirror. Simply create a file there called .fossgit containing the following:

gitrepo: /path/to/gitdir/reponame

You can then run the command without arguments:

$ cd /path/to/open/fossil/checkout
$ fossgit

You can also place a .fossgit config file in your home directory, in which case you may wish to specify the path to a directory in which you keep all your Git repository mirrors and let fossgit infer your repository name from the project-name setting in your Fossil repository:

gitpath: /path/to/gitdir

Once again, this allows you to run the command without arguments, but in this case you should ensure the "project name" setting has been configured in your Fossil repository, because it will default to using that to find your local Git mirror. If you want to specify a different Git repository name, using the gitrepo setting in a .fossgit file within the checkout of your Fossil repository as described above might be a better option.

You can check whether your project name has been configured by running this command from within an open checkout:

$ fossil info

If the project-name line says <unnamed>, the project name is unconfigured. You can cofigure it yourself; open the web UI for the repository (e.g. run fossil serve from within an open checkout and open localhost:8080 in your browser), navigate to Admin > Configuration, fill in the Project Name field, and click the button to apply your changes.

If you do both, the most-specific option (gitrepo) will be chosen as the target Git repository, which is probably a good idea if, for a specific project, you have not configured the Fossil repository's project-name setting, or if you want to default to updating a mirror with a different name than the Fossil project-name. Specifying a repository path at the command line will cause fossgit to ignore both, and just use the command line argument as the target Git repository path.


  • Fossil SCM
  • Git
  • a Fossil repository to mirror
  • a Git repository you will use as your mirror
  • an open checkout of the Fossil repository

Bug Reports And Feature Requests

In order from most preferred to least preferred:

  • Add a ticket in the Fossil repository.
  • Add a ticket in the GitHub or GitLab repository (and I'll copy it to Fossil).


  • Add autovivifying functionality for a local Git mirror.
  • Add autovivifying functionality for GitHub and GitLab remotes.
  • Add more tests.
  • Change defaults for v2.0, perhaps.
  • Incorporate this functionality into FossRec, a more comprehensive tool.
  • Organize lib APIs and document them. (Don't rely on undocumented APIs.)