Formtastic grouped checkboxes

Gem Version

Group your Formtastic checkboxes like grouped select via “grouped_collection_select” in Rails.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "formtastic_grouped_check_boxes"

Import our Sass file “formtastic-grouped-check-boxes.css” in your CSS entrypoint that compiles CSS files:

// app/assets/stylesheets/application.sass

// Your regular ActiveAdmin files
@import ...
@import ...

// This gem’s files
@import "formtastic-grouped-check-boxes"


This gem adds a new input type :grouped_check_boxes.

It also adds 3 new input options, 2 of which follow the Rails naming convention from grouped_collection_select:

  • group_method — The name of a method which, when called on a member of collection, returns an array of child objects. It can also be any object that responds to call, such as a proc, that will be called for each member of the collection to retrieve the value.
  • group_label_method — The name of a method which, when called on a member of collection, returns a string to be used as the label attribute for its tag. It can also be any object that responds to call, such as a proc, that will be called for each member of the collection to retrieve the label.
  • group_label_parent — Whether to prepend the fieldset label with the parent input title
ActiveAdmin.register Project do
  permit_params technology_ids: []

  form do |f|
    f.inputs "Technologies" do
      f.input :technologies,
              as: :grouped_check_boxes, \
              collection:, :name, :area_id).includes(:area).order(:name), \
              group_method: :area, \
              group_label_method: :name, \
              group_label_parent: true

Providing that

class Technology < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :area, foreign_key: :area_id, class_name: "TechnologyArea", optional: true
class TechnologyArea < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :technologies

Results in

<fieldset class="inputs">
    <li class="grouped_check_boxes check_boxes input optional" id="project_technologies_input">
      <input type="hidden" name="project[technology_ids][]" id="project_technologies_none" value="" autocomplete="off">

      <fieldset class="choices grouped_check_boxes__choices">
        <legend class="label grouped_check_boxes__legend">
          <label class="grouped_check_boxes__legend__label">Technologies / No subgroup</label>

        <ol class="choices-group grouped_check_boxes__choices-group">
          <li class="choice grouped_check_boxes__choice">
            <label for="project_technology_ids_46">
              <input type="checkbox" name="project[technology_ids][]" id="project_technology_ids_46" value="46">BitBucket
          <li class="choice grouped_check_boxes__choice">
            <label for="project_technology_ids_138">
              <input type="checkbox" name="project[technology_ids][]" id="project_technology_ids_138" value="138">BrainTree API (Ruby SDK)

      <fieldset class="choices grouped_check_boxes__choices">
        <legend class="label grouped_check_boxes__legend">
          <label class="grouped_check_boxes__legend__label">Technologies / Marketing</label>

        <ol class="choices-group grouped_check_boxes__choices-group">
          <li class="choice grouped_check_boxes__choice">
            <label for="project_technology_ids_59">
              <input type="checkbox" name="project[technology_ids][]" id="project_technology_ids_59" value="59">Direct sales
          <li class="choice grouped_check_boxes__choice">
            <label for="project_technology_ids_89">
              <input type="checkbox" name="project[technology_ids][]" id="project_technology_ids_89" value="89">Google Analytics