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A very simple Ruby Wrapper for the Formhub API


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'formhub_ruby'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install formhub_ruby


Basic usage

This gem is a very simple API wrapper for the JSON API of Formhub application. More details on their JSON API can be foud on their wiki page.

Set a connection with the Formhub API

Create a connection like so:

connection = 'fake_username', password: 'fake_password', formnamne: 'my_form_name' )

You can also pass authentification configuration arguments in a block (e.g. in a initializer file, etc...):

FormhubRuby.configure do |config|
  config.username =  'fake_username'
  config.password =  'fake_password'

To get the actual data from the api call, call the fetch method on it:


You should then be able to retrieve an array of hashes by using the data method

the_result =
# => Loic

If only want the actual count of rows is needed, use the count method:

# => 4

Before fetching, a more refined query can be created by using a hash of queries:

connection.query = {age: 12}

You can set a start and limit for the rows returned

connection.start = 2
connection.limit = 2

and select the fields to be retrieved:

connection.fields = [:age, :name]

Finally you can also sort the results: 1 denotes an ascending sort while -1 denotes a descending sort:

connection.sort =  {name: -1} # Descending by name
connection.sort =  {name: 1} # Ascending by name

As far as I could tell though, the integers seem to be stored as strings in the Formhub database, so the sorting of these would be quite irrelevant.

Also consequently added: a parameter to cast integers types:

    connection.cast_integers = true # false by default

Be aware that this will also cast float values to integer values.


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request