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This is the plugin Gem to talk to OpenStack clouds via fog.

The main maintainers for the OpenStack sections are @dhague, @Ladas, @seanhandley, @mdarby and @jjasghar. Please send CC them on pull requests.

Supported OpenStack APIs

See the list of supported OpenStack projects.


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

ruby gem 'fog-openstack'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install fog-openstack


Initial Setup

Require the gem:

ruby require "fog/openstack"


  • Before you can do anything with an OpenStack cloud, you need to authenticate yourself with the identity service, “Keystone”.
  • All following examples assume that @connection_params is a hash of valid connection information for an OpenStack cloud.
  • The :openstack_username and :openstack_api_key keys must map to a valid user/password combination in Keystone.
  • If you don’t know what domain your user belongs to, chances are it’s the default domain. By default, all users are a member of the default domain unless otherwise specified.

Connection parameters:

ruby @connection_params = { openstack_auth_url: "http://devstack.test:5000/v3/auth/tokens", openstack_username: "admin", openstack_api_key: "password", openstack_project_name: "admin", openstack_domain_id: "default" }

If you’re using Keystone V2, you don’t need to supply domain details but ensure the openstack_auth_url parameter references the correct endpoint.

ruby @connection_params = { openstack_auth_url: "http://devstack.test:5000/v2.0/tokens" openstack_username: "admin", openstack_api_key: "password", openstack_project_name: "admin" }

If you’re not sure whether your OpenStack cloud uses Keystone V2 or V3 then you can find out by logging into the dashboard (Horizon) and navigating to “Access & Security” under the “Project” section. Select “API Access” and find the line for the Identity Service. If the endpoint has “v3” in it, you’re on Keystone V3, if it has “v2” then (surprise) you’re on Keystone V2.

If you need a version of OpenStack to test against, get youself a copy of DevStack.

Networking Gotcha

Note that tenants (aka projects) in OpenStack usually require that you create a default gateway router in order to allow external access to your instances.

The exception is if you’re using Nova (and not Neutron) for your instance networking. If you’re using Neutron, you’ll want to set up your default gateway before you try to give instances public addresses (aka floating IPs).

Compute (Nova)

Initialise a connection to the compute service:

ruby compute =

Get a list of available images for use with booting new instances:

ruby p compute.images # => <Fog::Compute::OpenStack::Images # filters={}, # server=nil # [ # <Fog::Compute::OpenStack::Image # id="57a67f8a-7bae-4578-b684-b9b4dcd48d7f", # ... # > # ] # >

List available flavors so we can decide how powerful to make this instance:

```ruby p compute.flavors # => <Fog::Compute::OpenStack::Flavors # [ # <Fog::Compute::OpenStack::Flavor # id=”1”, # name=”m1.tiny”, # ram=512, # disk=1, # vcpus=1, # … # >, # <Fog::Compute::OpenStack::Flavor # id=”2”, # name=”m1.small”, # ram=2048, # disk=20, # vcpus=1, # … # >, # …


Now we know the id numbers of a valid image and a valid flavor, we can instantiate an instance:

```ruby flavor = compute.flavors[0] image = compute.images[0] instance = compute.servers.create name: ‘test’, image_ref:, flavor_ref:

Optionally, wait for the instance to provision before continuing

instance.wait_for { ready? } # => :duration=>17:duration=>17.359134

p instance # => <Fog::Compute::OpenStack::Server # id=”63633125-26b5-4fe1-a909-0f44d1ab3337”, # instance_name=nil, # addresses=“version”=>4, “addr”=>””, “OS-EXT-IPS:type”=>”fixed”]}, # flavor=“id”=>”2”, # host_id=”f5ea01262720d02e886508bc4fa994782c516557d232c72aeb79638e”, # image=“id”=>”57a67f8a-7bae-4578-b684-b9b4dcd48d7f”, # name=”test”, # personality=nil, # progress=0, # accessIPv4=””, # accessIPv6=””, # availability_zone=”nova”, # user_data_encoded=nil, # state=”ACTIVE”, # created=2016-03-07 08:07:36 UTC, # updated=2016-03-07 08:07:52 UTC, # tenant_id=”06a9a90c60074cdeae5f7fdd0048d9ac” # … # > ```

And destroy it when we’re done:

ruby instance.destroy # => true

You’ll probably need your instances to be accessible via SSH. Learn more about SSH keypairs.

Allow TCP traffic through port 22:

```ruby security_group = compute.security_groups.create name: “Test SSH”, description: “Allow access to port 22” # => <Fog::Compute::OpenStack::SecurityGroup # id=”e5d53d00-b3f9-471a-b90f-985694b966ed”, # name=”Test SSH”, # description=”Allow access to port 22”, # security_group_rules= <Fog::Compute::OpenStack::SecurityGroupRules # [


# >, # tenant_id=”06a9a90c60074cdeae5f7fdd0048d9ac” # >

compute.security_group_rules.create parent_group_id:, ip_protocol: “tcp”, from_port: 22, to_port: 22

key_pair = compute.key_pairs.create name: “My Public Key”, public_key: “/full/path/to/” # => <Fog::Compute::OpenStack::KeyPair # name=”My Public Key”, # … # user_id=”20746f49211e4037a91269df6a3fbf7b”, # id=nil # > ```

Now create a new server using the security group and keypair we created:

ruby instance = compute.servers.create name: "Test 2", image_ref:, flavor_ref:, key_name:, security_groups: security_group # => <Fog::Compute::OpenStack::Server # id="e18ebdfb-e5f5-4a45-929f-4cc9926dc2c7", # name="Test 2", # state="ACTIVE", # tenant_id="06a9a90c60074cdeae5f7fdd0048d9ac", # key_name="My Public Key", # > # (some data omitted for brevity)

Finally, assign a floating IP address to make this instance sit under a world-visible public IP address:

```ruby pool_name = compute.addresses.get_address_pools[0][‘name’] floating_ip_address = compute.addresses.create pool: pool_name instance.associate_address floating_ip_address.ip

p floating_ip_address # => <Fog::Compute::OpenStack::Address # id=”54064324-ce7d-448d-9753-94497b29dc91”, # ip=””, # pool=”external”, # fixed_ip=””, # instance_id=”e18ebdfb-e5f5-4a45-929f-4cc9926dc2c7” # > ```

Now you can SSH into the instance:

$ ssh [email protected] The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:cB0L/owUtcHsMhFhsuSZXxK4oRg/uqP/6IriUomQnQQ. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. $ pwd /home/cirros

Volume (Cinder)

Create and attach a volume to a running instance:

```ruby compute =

volume = compute.volumes.create name: “Test”, description: “Testing”, size: 1 # => <Fog::Compute::OpenStack::Volume # id=”4a212986-c6b6-4a93-8319-c6a98e347750”, # name=”Test”, # description=”Testing”, # size=1, # availability_zone=”Production”, # created_at=”2016-03-07T13:40:43.914063”, # attachments=[{}] # >

flavor = compute.flavors[3] image = compute.images[0] instance = compute.servers.create name: “test”, image_ref:, flavor_ref: instance.wait_for { ready? }


instance.attach_volume(, “/dev/vdb”) ```

Detach volume and create a snapshot:

```ruby instance.detach_volume( volume.reload

compute.snapshots.create volume_id:, name: “test”, description: “test” # => <Fog::Compute::OpenStack::Snapshot # id=”7a8c9192-25ee-4364-be91-070b7a6d9855”, # name=”test”, # description=”test”, # volume_id=”4a212986-c6b6-4a93-8319-c6a98e347750”, # status=”creating”, # size=1, # created_at=”2016-03-07T13:47:11.543814” # > ```

Destroy a volume: ruby volume.destroy # => true

Image (Glance)

Download Glance image:


image =

image_out =“/tmp/cirros-image-download”, ‘wb’)

streamer = lambda do |chunk, _, _| image_out.write chunk end

image.download_image(, response_block: streamer)


Create Glance image from file or URL:


cirros_location = “” image_out =“/tmp/cirros-image-#SecureRandom.hex”, ‘wb’)

streamer = lambda do |chunk, _, _| image_out.write chunk end

Excon.get cirros_location, response_block: streamer image_out.close

image.images.create name: “cirros”, disk_format: “qcow2”, container_format: “bare”

image.upload_data File.binread(image_out.path)


Destroy image:

ruby cirros = image.images.get("4beedb46-e32f-4ef3-a87b-7f1234294dc1") cirros.destroy

Identity (Keystone)

List domains (Keystone V3 only):

```ruby identity = # => <Fog::Identity::OpenStack::V3::Domains # [ # <Fog::Identity::OpenStack::V3::Domain # id=”default”, # description=””, # enabled=true, # name=”Default”, # >
# ] # > ```

List projects (aka tenants):

```ruby identity.projects # => <Fog::Identity::OpenStack::V3::Projects # [ # <Fog::Identity::OpenStack::V3::Project # id=”008e5537d3424295a03560abc923693c”, # domain_id=”default”, # description=”Project 1”, # enabled=true, # name=”project_1”, # >, # … # ]

On Keystone V2

identity.tenants # => <Fog::Identity::OpenStack::V2::Tenants # [ … ] ```

List users:

ruby identity.users # => <Fog::Identity::OpenStack::V3::Users # [ ... ]

Create/destroy new user:

```ruby project_id = identity.projects[0].id

user = identity.users.create name: “test”, project_id: project_id, email: “[email protected]”, password: “test” # => <Fog::Identity::OpenStack::V3::User # id=”474a59153ebd4e709938e5e9b614dc57”, # default_project_id=nil, # description=nil, # domain_id=”default”, # email=”[email protected]”, # enabled=true, # name=”test”, # password=”test” # >

user.destroy # => true ```

Create/destroy new tenant:


project = identity.projects.create name: “test”, description: “test” # => <Fog::Identity::OpenStack::V3::Project # id=”423559128a7249f2973cdb7d5d581c4d”, # domain_id=”default”, # description=”test”, # enabled=true, # name=”test”, # parent_id=nil, # subtree=nil, # parents=nil # >

project.destroy # => true ```

Grant user role on tenant and revoke it:

```ruby role ={|role| == “member”}[0] # => <Fog::Identity::OpenStack::V3::Role # id=”9fe2ff9ee4384b1894a90878d3e92bab”, # name=”member”, # >


project.revoke_role_from_user(, ```

Networking (Neutron)

Set up a project’s public gateway (needed for external access):


identity =

tenants = do |project| == @connection_params[:openstack_project_name] end

tenant_id = tenants[0].id

neutron =

network = neutron.networks.create name: “default”, tenant_id: tenant_id

subnet = network.subnets.create name: “default”, cidr: “”, network_id:, ip_version: 4, dns_nameservers: [“”, “”], tenant_id: tenant_id

external_network =[0]

router = neutron.routers.create name: ‘default’, tenant_id: tenant_id, external_gateway_info:



Further Reading


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/fog-openstack. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.