
Integration library for gem fog and Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'fog-backblaze'

Or install it with gem:

gem install fog-backblaze


require "fog/backblaze"

connection =
  provider: 'backblaze',
  b2_account_id: '123456',
  b2_account_token: 'aaaaabbbbbccccddddeeeeeffffff111112222223333',

  # optional, used to make some operations faster
  b2_bucket_name: 'app-test',
  b2_bucket_id: '6ec42006ec42006ec42',

  logger: {|l|
    l.formatter = proc {|severity, datetime, progname, msg|
      "#{severity.to_s[0]} - #{datetime.strftime("%T.%L")}: #{msg}\n"

  token_cache: 'file.txt'

See example for more details

Adding b2_bucket_id

Most of internal operations requires bucketId field, to get right value, fog-backblaze will make API request. Usually applications use only one bucket and it's id never change (it may change only if we delete bucket and create new one with same name). We can eliminate this API request by setting b2_bucket_id attribute.

How to get b2_bucket_id:

p connection._get_bucket_id(bucket_name)

Token Cache

Each request requires authentication token, it comes from b2_authorize_account response.

Let's say we want to upload a files, then it will make 4 requests inernally:

  1. b2_authorize_account - valid for 24 hours
  2. b2_list_buckets - to get bucket_id value can be optimized with :b2_bucket_id field (should not change)
  3. b2_get_upload_url - valid for 24 hours
  4. Send data to URL from step 3

Results of steps 1, 2, 3 can be re-used by saving in TokenCache. It acts as general cachin interface with few predefined implementations:

  • In memory store token_cache: :memory (default)
  • JSON file store token_cache: 'file.txt'
  • Null store (will not cache anything) token_cache: false or token_cache:
  • Create your custom, see token_cache.rb for examples