

Fluentd Output plugin to make a call with twilio. Twilio free trial is available to signup at the official website. You can try call to your cellphone for free!


fluent-plugin-twilio fluentd ruby
>= 0.1.0 >= v0.14.15 >= 2.1
< 0.1.0 >= v0.12.0 >= 1.9


install with gem or td-agent-gem command as:

### for local fluentd
$ gem install fluent-plugin-twilio

### for td-agent2 (standard)
$ sudo td-agent-gem install fluent-plugin-twilio


Message Format

fluent_logger.post('notify.call', {
  :number   => '+8109012345678',  # Required if default_number is brank
  :message  => 'Hello World!'   # Required if default_message is brank


  @type http
  port 8888

<match notify.call>
  @type twilio

  # Set account Sid and Token from twilio.com/user/account
  account_sid     TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID           # Required
  auth_token      TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN            # Required

  # Set caller ID with country code
  from_number     +81312345678                 # Required

  # Set defaults of making outbound call.
  # To call multiple phone at the same time, list them with comma like below.
  default_number  +819012345678,+818012345678  # Optional
  default_message "call from fluentd."         # Optional

  # Set log level to prevent info error
  @log_level       warn

Sample to customize messages

You can customize message using filter_record_transformer.

  @type http
  port 8888
  @label @NOTIFY

<label @NOTIFY>
    @type record_transformer
      message Hi. ${record["name"]} has made a order of ${record["item"]} just now.
    @type twilio
    # snip ...

Quick Test

# test call to +819012345678 and say "Help! System ABC has down." with woman voice.
$ curl http://localhost:8888/notify.call -F 'json={"number":"+819012345678","voice":"woman","message":"Help! System ABC has down."}'

# check twilio activity log
$ tail -f /var/log/td-agent/td-agent.log

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Pull requests are very welcome!!

Copyright © 2013- Kentaro Yoshida (@yoshi_ken)


Apache License, Version 2.0