Scribe input plugin for Fluent


This is a plugin for fluent event collector. This plugin adds the Scribe compatible interface to fluent.

What’s Scribe?

Scribe is a server for aggregating log data streamed in real time from a large number of servers, developed at Facebook.

It uses Thrift, cross-language RPC framework, to communicate between clients and servers.

What’s Scribe plugin for fluent?

The Scribe plugin for fluent enables fluent daemon, to talk the Scribe protocol by using Thrift. The following shows the protocol itself, in thrift-idl format:

enum ResultCode

struct LogEntry
  1:  string category,
  2:  string message

service scribe extends fb303.FacebookService
  ResultCode Log(1: list<LogEntry> messages);

How to use?

Install this plugin with fluent, and add the following configuration to fluent.conf.

# Scribe input
  type scribe
  port 1463
  tag debug.aiueo

You can modify port, and the corresponding tag.



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