
This repository holds several Fluentd plugins to parse PostgreSQL CSV log files and extract slow log information:

  • MultilineCSVParser: Parses CSV files that span multiple lines
  • PostgreSQLSlowLog: Extracts slow log entries into duration_s and statement fields
  • PostgreSQLRedactor: Normalizes the SQL query and redacts sensitive information
  • Marginalia: Parses Marginalia comments into key-value pairs and stores them


Use RubyGems:

fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-postgresql-csvlog --no-document


PostgreSQL configuration

log_destination = 'csvlog'
log_collector = on

Fluentd conf

The configuration below shows how you might use these filters to ingest and parse PostgreSQL CSV logs:

  @type tail
  tag postgres.postgres_csv
  path /var/log/postgresql/*.csv
  pos_file /var/log/td-agent/postgres_csv.log.pos
    @type multiline_csv
    format_firstline /^\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}/
    keys time,user_name,database_name,process_id,connection_from,session_id,session_line_num,command_tag,session_start_time,virtual_transaction_id,transaction_id,error_severity,sql_state_code,message,detail,hint,internal_query,internal_query_pos,context,query,query_pos,location,application_name
    time_key time
    time_format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N %Z
    keep_time_key true
    parser_type normal

<filter postgres.postgres_csv>
  @type postgresql_slowlog
  output_key query

<filter postgres.postgres_csv>
  @type postgresql_redactor
  input_key query
  output_key sql
  fingerprint_key fingerprint

<filter postgres.postgres_csv>
  @type marginalia
  key sql
  strip_comment true

# Output resulting JSON file to a directory in /tmp
<match postgres.*>
  @type file
  path /tmp/fluent-test
    @type json