
Output Plugin for PostgreSQL Json Type.

Json type is availble in PostgreSQL version over 9.2


$ fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-pgjson


Specified table must have this schema.

col type
tag_col Text
time_col Timestamp WITH TIME ZONE
record_col Json


CREATE TABLE fluentd (
    tag Text
    ,time Timestamptz
    ,record Json



<match **>
  type pgjson
  host localhost
  port 5432
  database fluentd
  table fluentd
  user postgres
  password postgres
  time_col time
  tag_col tag
  record_col record


parameter description default
host postgres server hostname localhost
port postgres server port number 5432
database database name to which records will be inserted
table table name to which records will be inserted
user user name used to connect database nil
password password uset to connect database nil
time_col column name to insert time time
tag_col column name to insert tag tag
record_col column name to insert record record
CopyrightCopyright (c) 2012 OKUNO Akihiro
LicenseApache License, Version 2.0