
fluent-plugin-pcapng is an input plug-in for Fluentd. It runs tshark with specified configuration and extract given packet fields.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'fluent-plugin-pcapng'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install fluent-plugin-pcapng


Add the following lines into your fluentd config.

simple case:

  type pcapng

  interface eth0
  fields frame.time,eth.dst,eth.src,eth.type

advanced case:

  type pcapng

  tag mypcap
  interface eth0
  fields frame.time,frame.time_epoch,ip.src,ip.dst,ip.proto
  types time,double,string,string,long
  convertdot __


name type required? default description
interface string required "eth0" interface to capture
fields array required none list of field to extract (-e on tshark)
types array optional "string" for all list of type for each field ("long", "double", "string", "time")
convertdot string optional none convert "." in field name (for outputing int DB who doesn't accept "dot" in schema)
extra_flags array of strings optional none extra flags passed to tshark(1), such as extra_flags [ "-Y dns.flags.response == 0", "-f port 53" ]. Each element is expected to be in the form of "--option value" or a single flag, such as -I. Note that value of each flag will be safely quoted.