Fluent::Plugin::ParseCookie, a plugin for Fluentd

Fluentd plugin to parse cookie log.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'fluent-plugin-parse_cookie'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install fluent-plugin-parse_cookie


default usage

<match foo.**>
  type parse_cookie
  key  cookie

"test" {
  "cookie": "foo=baz; empty=; array=123; array=abc; array=1a2b"

    "parsed_cookie.test" {
      "cookie": "foo=baz; empty=; array=123; array=abc; array=1a2b"
      "foo": ["baz"],
      "empty": [],
      "array": ["123", "abc", "1a2b"]

change tag prefix (default tag prefix is "parsed_cookie.")

<match foo.**>
  type parse_cookie
  key  cookie
  tag_prefix changed.


"test" {
  "cookie": "foo=baz; empty=; array=123; array=abc; array=1a2b"

    "changed.test" {
      "cookie": "foo=baz; empty=; array=123; array=abc; array=1a2b"
      "foo": ["baz"],
      "empty": [],
      "array": ["123", "abc", "1a2b"]

If you want to remove empty array.

<match foo.**>
  type                parse_cookie
  key                 cookie
  remove_empty_array  true

"test" {
  "cookie": "foo=baz; empty=; array=123; array=abc; array=1a2b"

    "parsed_cookie.test" {
      "cookie": "foo=baz; empty=; array=123; array=abc; array=1a2b"
      "foo": ["baz"],
      "array": ["123", "abc", "1a2b"]

If you want convert array that has only single object to string.

<match foo.**>
  type                    parse_cookie
  key                     cookie
  single_value_to_string  true

"test" {
  "cookie": "foo=baz; empty=; array=123; array=abc; array=1a2b"

    "parsed_cookie.test" {
      "cookie": "foo=baz; empty=; array=123; array=abc; array=1a2b"
      "foo": "baz",
      "empty": [],
      "array": ["123", "abc", "1a2b"]

If you want remove cookie from record.

<match foo.**>
  type           parse_cookie
  key            cookie
  remove_cookie  true

"test" {
  "cookie": "foo=baz; empty=; array=123; array=abc; array=1a2b"

    "parsed_cookie.test" {
      "foo": ["baz"],
      "empty": [],
      "array": ["123", "abc", "1a2b"]

If you want create key with parsed data.

<match foo.**>
  type           parse_cookie
  key            cookie
  sub_key        cookie_parsed

"test" {
  "cookie": "foo=baz; empty=; array=123; array=abc; array=1a2b"

    "parsed_cookie.test" {
      "cookie": "foo=baz; empty=; array=123; array=abc; array=1a2b",
      "cookie_parsed": {
        "foo": ["baz"],
        "empty": [],
        "array": ["123", "abc", "1a2b"]

Option Parameters

key :String

key is used to point a key thad is cookie.

tag_prefix :String

Added tag prefix. Default value is "parsed."

remove_empty_array :Bool

You want to remove empty array. You must be this option setting true. Default value is false.

single_value_to_string :Bool

You want to convert array that has only single object to string. You must be this option setting true. Default value is false.

You want to remove cookie. You must be this option setting true. Default value is false.

sub_key :String

You want to put parsed data into separate key. Default value is false.

Change log

See CHANGELOG.md for details.


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/h-michael-z/fluent-plugin-parse_cookie/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request