
fluent-plugin-osmocom-spectrum-sense is an input plugin for Fluentd. It runs osmocom_spectrum_sense with specified arguments and extract frequencies, powers, noise floor (dBm) from its output.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'fluent-plugin-osmocom-spectrum-sense'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install fluent-plugin-osmocom-spectrum-sense


See samples/text.conf

  @type osmocom_spectrum_sense

 tag osmocom
  minfreq 79000000
  maxfreq 83000000
  sample_rate 3200000
  dwell_delay 1
  tune_delay 1


name type required? corresponds to... default description
minfreq int required min_freq none Minimum Frequency
maxfreq int required max_freq none Maximum Frequency
sample_rate int optional -s, --sample-rate 3200000 (3.2Msps) Sample rate
dwell_delay float optional --dwell-delay 0.25 (0.25s) Seconds to dwell at a given frequency
tune_delay float optional --tune-delay 0.25 (0.25s) Seconds to delay after changing frequency
channel_bandwidth float optional -b, --channel-bandwidth 6250.0 (6.25KHz) Channel bandwidth of fft bins in Hz


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.