
fluentd plugin for system resource monitoring whithout dstat


install with gem command as:

$ gem install fluent-plugin-nostat


  type nostat
  run_interval 1
  mode dstat # raw or dstat
  output_type graphite # hash or graphite
  • tag : If there is no tag value, the tag will be "tag_prefix.hostname.nostat".
  • run_interval : seconds
  • mode : raw or dstat. raw : just get the values from /proc/STATS. dstat : modify the values as dstat.
  • output_type : hash or graphite. hash : old version style. graphite : slice all output for grapite.
  • tag_prefix : If there is no tag value, the tag will be "tag_prefix.hostname.nostat".


raw mode

the raw stats from /proc directory.

cpu={"usr"=>52773, "sys"=>28330, "idl"=>2217987, "wai"=>1995, "siq"=>4112, "hiq"=>0} disk={"sda"=>{"read"=>"9786551", "write"=>"29250018"}} net={"enp0s3"=>{"recv"=>8940623796, "send"=>383889456}, "enp0s8"=>{"recv"=>8940623796, "send"=>383889456}} mem={"total"=>1884188, "free"=>67968, "buff"=>0, "cach"=>1546820, "used"=>269400}

dstat mode

  • cpu : percentage
  • memory : bytes
  • disk I/O : bytes/sec
  • network I/O : bytes/sec cpu={"usr"=>0, "sys"=>0, "idl"=>100, "wai"=>0, "siq"=>0, "hiq"=>0} mem={"free"=>1693290496, "buff"=>0, "cach"=>60887040, "used"=>175230976} disk={"sda"=>{"read"=>0, "write"=>0}} net={"enp0s3"=>{"recv"=>344, "send"=>1668}, "enp0s8"=>{"recv"=>344, "send"=>1668}}

graphite output style

graphite output type is for fluent-plugin-graphite. To use this output type, graphite plugin should be installed by following command. There is no dependancy for that plugin yet.

gem install fluent-plugin-graphite
  • full configuration example ``` type nostat tag_prefix graphite. run_interval 60 mode dstat output_type graphite

type graphite host port 2003 tag_for prefix remove_tag_prefix graphite name_key_pattern ^*$

* output

tag : record hostname.nostat.cpu : usr => 10 hostname.nostat.cpu : sys => 0 hostname.nostat.cpu : idl => 90 hostname.nostat.cpu : wai => 0


hostname.nostat.mem : free => 1693290496 hostname.nostat.mem : buff => 0 hostname.nostat.mem : cach => 60887040 hostname.nostat.mem : used => 175230976


## it was tested on
. CentOS 7.x (kernel 3.10.x) with graphite