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Fluentd plugin to measure elapsed time to process messages


Use RubyGems:

gem install fluent-plugin-measure_time


This plugin is doing something tricky, which extends arbitrary plugins so that it can use <measure_time></measure_time> directive to measure elapsed times.


  type measure_time
  # This makes available the `masure_time` directive for all plugins

  type forward
  port 24224
    tag measure_time
    hook on_message

<match measure_time>
  type stdout

This example hooks the on_message method of in_forward plugin, and measures how long it takes for processing. Output becomes as below:

measure_time: {"time":0.000849735,"class":"Fluent::ForwardInput","hook":"on_message","object_id":83935080}

where time denotes the measured elapsed time, and class, hook, and object_id denotes the hooked class, the hooked method, and the object id of the plugin instance.

Example: interval

With interval option, this plugin compute statistics of measured elapsed times in each interval

  type measure_time

  type forward
  port 24224
    tag measure_time
    interval 60
    hook on_message

<match measure_time>
  type stdout

Output becomes as below:

measure_time: {"max":1.011,"avg":0.002","num":10,"class":"Fluent::ForwardInput","hook":"on_message","object_id":83935080}

where max and avg are the maximum and average elapsed times, and num is the number of being called in each interval.


  • tag

    The output tag name. Default is measure_time

  • hook (required)

    Specify the method to measure time.

  • interval

    The time interval to emit measurement results. Default is nil which do not compute statistics and emit the time in each measurement.


See CHANGELOG.md for details.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Copyright (c) 2014 Naotoshi Seo. See LICENSE for details.