
Fluentd Filter plugin to add information about geographical location of IP addresses using the IPInfo API.


Install with fluent-gem or td-agent provided command as:

# For fluentd
$ gem install fluent-plugin-ipinfo
# or
$ fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-ipinfo

# For td-agent
$ sudo td-agent-gem install fluent-plugin-ipinfo

For more details, see Plugin Management

Example Configurations

<filter foo.bar>
  @type ipinfo
  access_token 1a2b3c4d5e
  key_name ip_address
  out_key ipinfo
  fields ["country_name", "region", "city", "latitude", "longitude"]

In this example, the following event:

    "message":"Can you get me the geographical location for this IP addresse ?",

Would be enriched and returned as following:

    "message": "Can you get me the geographical location for this IP addresse ?",
    "ip_address": "",
    "ipinfo": {
        "country_name": "United States",
        "region": "California",
        "city": "Mountain View",
        "latitude": "37.4056",
        "longitude": "-122.0775"


Common Parameters


type required default
string false nil

The token to be used with the IPInfo API for paid plans. To use the free plan (limited to 50k requests per month), do not use the access_token parameter.


type required default
string false ip_address

The name of the key containing the IP address.


type required default
string false ipinfo

The name of the key to store the geographical location data in.


type required default
array false ["country_name", "region", "city", "latitude", "longitude"]

The list of fields to fetch from IPInfo. The full list of fields is described in the official IPInfo API Ruby client.

Learn More

Copyright : Copyright (c) 2023 - Ahmed Abdelkafi License : Apache License, Version 2.0