
Output plugin for Fluentd, for sending records to an HTTP or HTTPS endpoint, with SSL, Proxy, and Header implementation.

Configuration Guide

<match *>
  type              https_client           
  endpoint_url      # endpoint_url 
  http_method       # get / post / put / delete defaults to post
  serializer        # json / form defaults to form
  include_timestamp # true / false defaults to false
  rate_limit_msec   # limit the rate in ms, defaults to 10 ms
  auth              # basic / none
  use_ssl           # true / false
  proxy_addr        # proxy url
  proxy_port        # proxy port
  username          # user name if auth is basic
  password          # password if auth is basic
  <header>          # HTTP headers (see examples below)
    Accept          application/json
    auth_token      my_secret

### Use Cases

  • send records to HTTP endpoints
  • send records to HTTPS endpoints
  • send events through proxy
  • send events by setting custom headers (header-based authentication, etc)


Exception Handling