fluent-plugin-google-chat Build Status

This plugin is largely inspired by fluent-plugin-slack.


$ fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-google-chat

Usage (Web API a.k.a. Bots)

<match google_chat>
  @type google_chat
  keyfile /tmp/mykeyfile.json
  space AAABBBcdefG
  flush_interval 60s
fluent_logger.post('google_chat', {
  :message  => 'Hello<br>World!'


parameter description default
keyfile Private key file generated on Google Cloud Platform. See https://developers.google.com/hangouts/chat/how-tos/bots-publish#enabling_the_hangouts_chat_api
space Room name to send messages. Can be found in the URL of the chat room.
space_keys keys used to format space. %s will be replaced with value specified by space_keys if this option is used nil
message message format. %s will be replaced with value specified by message_keys %s
message_keys keys used to format messages message
https_proxy https proxy url such as https://proxy.foo.bar:443 nil
verbose_fallback If this option is set to be true, messages are included to the fallback attribute false

fluent-plugin-google-chat uses SetTimeKeyMixin and SetTagKeyMixin, so you can also use:

parameter description default
timezone timezone such as Asia/Tokyo
localtime use localtime as timezone true
utc use utc as timezone
time_key key name for time used in xxx_keys time
time_format time format. This will be formatted with Time#strftime. %H:%M:%S
tag_key key name for tag used in xxx_keys tag

fluent-plugin-google-chat is a kind of BufferedOutput plugin, so you can also use Buffer Parameters.


See CHANGELOG.md for details.


  • Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2020 - TreasurySpring
  • License:: Apache License, Version 2.0