
FortiGate syslog parser for Fluentd

This fluentd plugin parse CSV format FortiGate log

You can use GeoLite Country file for World Map in Kibana.

You can build poor man's FortiAnalyzer.

Plugin setup

With td-agent:

Put out_fortigate_syslog_parser.rb into /etc/td-agent/plugin directory.

FortiGate config

$ show log syslogd2 setting
config log syslogd2 setting
    set status enable
    set server ""
    set csv enable
    set facility local6

Sample td-agent (fluentd) config

  type tail
  format none
  path /var/log/local6/%Y%m%d/fortigate
  tag raw.fortigate
  pos_file /var/log/td-agent/fortidate.pos

<match raw.fortigate>
  type fortigate_log_parser
  remove_prefix raw
  country_map_file /etc/td-agent/country.map
  fortios_version 5

<match fortigate>
  type rewrite_tag_filter
  rewriterule1 type ^traffic$ traffic.fortigate
  rewriterule2 type ^utm$     utm.fortigate
  rewriterule3 type ^event$   event.fortigate

<match traffic.fortigate>
  type elasticsearch
  host kibana-server
  port 9200
  logstash_format true
  logstash_prefix fg_traffic
  flush_interval 5s

<match utm.fortigate>
  type elasticsearch
  host kibana-server
  port 9200
  logstash_format true
  logstash_prefix fg_utm
  flush_interval 10s

<match event.fortigate>
  type elasticsearch
  host kibana-server
  port 9200
  logstash_format true
  logstash_prefix fg_event
  flush_interval 10s

Fluentd merged fluent-plugin-tail-ex features in v0.10.45. And td-agent 1.1.19 include fluentd v0.10.45.

Generate country.map file

curl -O http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoIPCountryCSV.zip
unzip GeoIPCountryCSV.zip
ruby bin/gen_fg_country_map GeoIPCountryWhois.csv | sort -u > country.map