Output filter plugin Output filter plugin to rewrite Collectd JSON output to be inserted into InfluxDB

Rewrites the message coming from Collectd to make it compatible with the way InfluxDB stores data in series.


Use RubyGems:

gem install fluent-plugin-collectd-influxdb


<match pattern>
  type collectd_influxdb

If following record is passed:

[{"time" => 1000, "host" => 'host_v', "interval" => 5, "plugin" => 'plugin_v', "plugin_instance" => 'plugin_instance_v', "type" => 'type_v', "type_instance" => 'type_instance_v', "values" => ['v1', 'v2'], "dsnames" => ['n1', 'n2'], "dstypes" => ['t1', 't2']}]

then you got new record like below:

[{"n1"=>"v1", "n2"=>"v2"}]

and the record tag will be changed to


Empty values in "plugin", "plugin_instance", "type" or "type_instance" will not be copied into the new tag name


  • This plugin was written to deal with a specific use-case, might not be the best fit for everyone. If you need more configurability/features, create a PR
AuthorGiuseppe Iannello
LicenseMIT License