
Fluentd buffer plugin on memory to flush with many types of chunk limit methods:

  • events count limit in chunk

These options are to decrease latency from emit to write, and to control chunk sizes and flush sizes.

NOTICE: Lightening buffer plugin stores data on memory, so these data will be lost when process/server crashes.


Do gem install fluent-plugin-buffer-lightening or fluent-gem ....


Lightening buffer plugin can be enabled with all of buffered output plugins.

To flush chunks per 100 records, configure like this:

<match data.**>
  type any_buffered_output_plugin
  buffer_type lightening
  buffer_chunk_records_limit 100
  # other options...

Options of buffer_type memory are also available:

<match data.**>
  type any_buffered_output_plugin
  buffer_type lightening
  buffer_chunk_limit 10M
  buffer_chunk_records_limit 100
  # other options...

For less delay

For more frequently flushing, use flush_interval and try_flush_interval with floating point values on Fluentd v0.10.42 or later:

<match data.**>
  type any_buffered_output_plugin
  buffer_type lightening
  buffer_chunk_records_limit 100
  # other options...
  flush_interval 0.5
  try_flush_interval 0.1 # 0.6sec delay for worst case


  • more limit patterns
  • patches welcome!
  • Copyright (c) 2013- TAGOMORI Satoshi (tagomoris)
  • License
    • Apache License, Version 2.0