
Collect Apache stats from the mod_status Module


fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-apache_modstatus


/usr/lib64/fluent/ruby/bin/fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-apache_modstatus


refresh_interval is an optional parameter, by default the plugin will poll every 2 minutes (120 seconds)

    type                    apache_modstatus
    url                     http://localhost/server-status/?auto
    tag                     apache.server_status
    refresh_interval        30

Record Format

Your record format might vary depending on what extensions and options are turned on in your config. The plugin looks at the machine readable mod_serverstatus output and parses all the "Label: VALUE" lines and outputs them in the record

    "serverversion"                => "Apache/2.4.16"
    "servermpm"                    => "prefork"
    "server_built"                 => "Aug 13 2015 23:52:13"
    "currenttime"                  => "Friday, 18-Sep-2015 14:40:21 PDT"
    "restarttime"                  => "Sunday, 13-Sep-2015 03:20:23 PDT"
    "parentserverconfiggeneration" => "5"
    "parentservermpmgeneration"    => "4"
    "serveruptimeseconds"          => "472798"
    "serveruptime"                 => "5 days 11 hours 19 minutes 58 seconds"
    "load1"                        => "0.31"
    "load5"                        => "0.21"
    "load15"                       => "0.21"
    "total_accesses"               => "1205397"
    "total_kbytes"                 => "44430012"
    "cpuuser"                      => "233.95"
    "cpusystem"                    => "38.8"
    "cpuchildrenuser"              => "5243.08"
    "cpuchildrensystem"            => "8685.85"
    "cpuload"                      => "3.00375"
    "uptime"                       => "472798"
    "reqpersec"                    => "2.5495"
    "bytespersec"                  => "96227.8"
    "bytesperreq"                  => "37743.9"
    "busyworkers"                  => "35"
    "idleworkers"                  => "3",
    "scoreboard_count_wait"        => "7",
    "scoreboard_count_start"       => "0",
    "scoreboard_count_read"        => "1",
    "scoreboard_count_reply"       => "8",
    "scoreboard_count_keepalive"   => "5",
    "scoreboard_count_dns"         => "0",
    "scoreboard_count_closing"     => "2",
    "scoreboard_count_log"         => "0",
    "scoreboard_count_graceful"    => "0",
    "scoreboard_count_cleanup"     => "0",
    "scoreboard_count_openslot"    => "233" 


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/jwestbrook/fluent-plugin-apache-modstatus.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.