
Fluentd plugin to modify numeric values of specified fields. Useful for counting values of sampled data (by fluent-plugin-sampling-filter or etc).



To do 10x for count values from messages 1/10 sampled, and to do 100x for 1/100 sampled:

<label @sampled>
  <filter big.service> # I know its logs are sampled into 1/10
    @type amplifier
    ratio 10
    key_names count, rate

  <filter huge.service> # I know its logs are sampled into 1/100
    @type amplifier
    ratio 100
    key_pattern .*_(count|rate)$

  <match **>
    # output result to visualization tools, or ....

There is an option to floor(bool) the result of amplifying numeric values into integer. Its default value is false.


NOTE: This output plugin is deprecated. Use 'amplifier' filter plugin instead.

To do x10 for messages 1/10 sampled, and to do x100 for messages 1/100 sampled:

<match sampled_10.**>
  @type amplifier_filter
  ratio 10
  remove_prefix sampled_10
  key_names counts,rates

<match sampled_100.**>
  @type amplifier_filter
  ratio 100
  remove_prefix sampled_100
  key_names counts,rates

<match logs.**>
  # output configurations where to send original/modified messages...

key_pattern(regexp) useful insted of key_names, and add_prefix is also useful:

<match sampled_10.**>
  @type amplifier_filter
  ratio 10
  remove_prefix sampled_10
  add_prefix summary
  key_pattern .*_(count|rate)$

<match summary.**>
  # output configurations where to send original/modified messages...


  • patches welcome!

Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2012- TAGOMORI Satoshi (tagomoris) License:: Apache License, Version 2.0