
A simple command to create an empty ActionScript project for MTASC + SWFMILL + Rake


gem install fluby

Fluby requires the 'mtasc' and 'swfmill' executables somewhere on your path.


New project

To create a new project:

fluby create ProjectName


To compile your brand new project:

cd ProjectName

That should generate a 'ProjectName.swf' file on the 'deploy' folder. The SWF file is debug-enabled (i.e: you can see the trace() output if you have a debug Flash Player). If you want to release your project without debug information, run

rake release

More Rake tasks

There are other rake tasks available:

rake package  # Creates a ZIP file containing your SWF file on the 'pkg' folder
rake test # Opens a HTML file with your SWF for testing on your default browser (available on Mac only)

Updating from old fluby versions

If you have an existing project that uses fluby, you can update the code by running:

fluby update

inside your project folder.