Flores - a stress testing library

When writing tests, it is often good to test a wide variety of inputs to ensure your entire input range behaves correctly.

Further, adding a bit of randomness in your tests can help find bugs.

Why Flores?

Randomization helps you cover a wider range of inputs to your tests to find bugs. Stress testing (run a test repeatedly) helps you find bugs faster. We can use stress testing results to find common patterns in failures!

Let's look at a sample situation. Ruby's TCPServer. Let's write a spec to cover a spec covering port binding:

describe TCPServer do
  subject(:socket) { Socket.new(Socket::AF_INET, Socket::SOCK_STREAM, 0) }
  let(:port) { 5000 }
  let(:sockaddr) { Socket.sockaddr_in(port, "") }

  after { socket.close}

  it "should bind successfully" do
    expect(socket.local_address.ip_port).to(be == port)

Running it:

% rspec tcpserver_spec.rb

Finished in 0.00248 seconds (files took 0.16294 seconds to load)
1 example, 0 failures

That's cool. We now have some confidence that TCPServer on port 5000 will bind successfully.

What about the other ports? What ranges of values should work? What shouldn't?

Let's assume I don't know anything about tcp port ranges and test randomly in the range -100,000 to +100,000:

describe TCPServer do
  let(:port) { Randomized.integer(-100_000..100_000) }

Running it:

% rspec tcpserver_spec.rb


  1) TCPServer should bind successfully
     Failure/Error: expect(socket.local_address.ip_port).to(be == port)
       expected: == 83359
            got:    17823
     # ./tcpserver_spec.rb:12:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

Finished in 0.00155 seconds (files took 0.10221 seconds to load)
1 example, 1 failure

Well that's weird. Binding port 83359 actually made it bind on port 17823!

If we run it more times, we'll see all kinds of different results:

  • Run 1: Failure/Error: expect(socket.local_address.ip_port).to(be == port) expected: == 83359 got: 17823
  • Run 2: Failure/Error: let(:sockaddr) { Socket.sockaddr_in(port, "") } SocketError: getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
  • Run 3: Errno::EACCES: Permission denied - bind(2) for
  • Run 4: Finished in 0.00161 seconds (files took 0.10356 seconds to load) 1 example, 0 failures

Analyze the results

The above example showed that there were many different kinds of failures when we introduced randomness to our test inputs.

We can go further and run a given spec example many times and group the failures by similarity and include context (what the inputs were, etc)

This library provides an analyze_it helper which behaves similarly to rspec's it except that it runs the block a random number of times and clears the let cache each time. This lets you run a given test many times with many random inputs!

The result is grouped by failure and includes context. Let's see how it works:

We'll change it to use analyze_it instead:

- it "should bind successfully" do
+ analyze_it "should bind successfully", [:port] do

Now rerunning the test. With barely any spec changes from the original, we have now enough randomness and stress testing to identify many different failure cases and input ranges for those failures.


  1) TCPServer should bind successfully
     Failure/Error: raise StandardError, Analysis.new(results) if results.any? { |k, _| k != :success }
       31.14% tests successful of 2563 tests
       Failure analysis:
         50.57% -> [1296] SocketError
           Sample exception for {:port=>-94900}
             getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
           Samples causing SocketError:
         16.89% -> [433] RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError
           Sample exception for {:port=>93844}
             expected: == 93844
                  got:    28308
           Samples causing RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError:
         1.01% -> [26] Errno::EACCES
           Sample exception for {:port=>65649}
             Permission denied - bind(2) for
           Samples causing Errno::EACCES:
         0.39% -> [10] Errno::EADDRINUSE
           Sample exception for {:port=>34402}
             Address already in use - bind(2) for
           Samples causing Errno::EADDRINUSE:
     # ./lib/rspec/stress_it.rb:103:in `block in analyze_it'

Finished in 0.0735 seconds (files took 0.10247 seconds to load)
1 example, 1 failure

Failed examples:

rspec ./tcpserver_spec.rb:8 # TCPServer should bind successfully