
Fippy makes a text upside down, like "twitter" to "ɹəʇʇᴉʍʇ".


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'flippy'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install flippy


flippy add #flip and #unflip to String class.

require 'flippy'

flipped = "twitter".flip # => "ɹəʇʇᴉʍʇ"
flipped.unflip # => "twitter"
flipped_number = '1234567890'.flip # => "068L95ᔭεƧ⇂"
flipped_number.unflip # => "1234567890"

It also add Kernel#stnd :)

stnd "twitter" # => "ɹəʇʇᴉʍʇ"

Try on multi line string.

code =<<CODE
# encoding: UTF-8
class Employee
  attr_accessor :name, :title, :department
  def initialize(name, title, department)
    @name = name
    @title = title
    @department = department

  def profile
    "%s is %s at %s dept." % [name, title, department]

charlie = Employee.new('Charlie', :programmer, :Game)

puts charlie.profile

puts flipped = code.flip

This produce following;

                                  əlᴉɟoɹd˙əᴉlɹɐɥɔ sʇnd

 (əɯɐ⅁: ‘ɹəɯɯɐɹɓoɹd: ‘'əᴉlɹɐɥƆ')ʍəu˙əəʎoldɯƎ = əᴉlɹɐɥɔ

[ʇuəɯʇɹɐdəp ‘əlʇᴉʇ ‘əɯɐu] % "˙ʇdəp s% ʇɐ s% sᴉ s%"    
                                         əlᴉɟoɹd ɟəp  

                          ʇuəɯʇɹɐdəp = ʇuəɯʇɹɐdəp@    
                                    əlʇᴉʇ = əlʇᴉʇ@    
                                      əɯɐu = əɯɐu@    
             (ʇuəɯʇɹɐdəp ‘əlʇᴉʇ ‘əɯɐu)əzᴉlɐᴉʇᴉuᴉ ɟəp  
            ʇuəɯʇɹɐdəp: ‘əlʇᴉʇ: ‘əɯɐu: ɹossəɔɔɐ‾ɹʇʇɐ  
                                        əəʎoldɯƎ ssɐlɔ
                                      8-Ⅎ⊥Ո :ɓuᴉpoɔuə #

Try #unflip this again, then eval it. It will work.

Flippy.table output the mapping table.

flippy command

It comes with flippy command. Try it with console option to start flippy console.


  flippy [options] text

where [options] are:

--flip, --no-flip, -f:   Flip given text (default: true)
--unflip,          -u:   Unflip given text
--table,           -t:   Output flippy mapping table
--console,         -c:   Start flippy console
--vertical         -v:   Verticalize given text
--version,         -e:   Print version and exit
--help,            -h:   Show this message

In a flippy console, following keys works for control;

Ctrl+R, G, B:  set text color in Red, Green or Blue
Ctrl+E:        reset color
Ctrl+F:        flush screen
<ESC>:         exit

Thank you

Thank you to Fumiaki Nishihara for disclosing a ASCII mapping table for text upside down as his blog entry;

twitter→ɹəʇʇɪʍʇのように英数字を180度回転して表示する方法|Colorless Green Ideas http://id.fnshr.info/2013/01/25/upsidedowntext/

Thank you to @yubais for the idea of Flippy#vertical;

縦つい。 〜縦書きツイート作成ツール〜 http://yubais.net/tatetwi/


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request