Flickr Collager

Flickr image search and Collage Creator.

To build

There is a rakefile for all the tests, the list of all Rake tasks available can be seen by :

rake -T

Also the project can be made into a gem

by doing a bundle and then building the gem by executing gem build flickr_collager.gemspec

Once the gem in built it can be installed by :

gem install flickr_collager-0.0.1.gem

Prerequisites :

Before Installing the gem make sure Imagemagick is installed.

brew install imagemagick

Once the gem is installed into installs a executable called collage which can used as follows :

Usage :

collage -w pen,pencil,rose,women,brizil,everest,sunshine --out-file collage.png

The project compensates for missing search terms if less than 10 from a dictionary.