Class: Flic::Protocol::Primitives::ScanWizardResult

  • Object
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Indicates that a button was successfully paired and verified. You may now create a connection channel to that button.


A CmdCancelScanWizard was sent.


The scan wizard did not make any progress for some time. Current timeouts are 20 seconds for finding any button, 20 seconds for finding a public button (in case of a private button was found), 10 seconds for connecting the button, 30 seconds for pairing and verifying the button.


First the button was advertising public status, but after connecting it reports private. Probably it switched from public to private just when the connection attempt was started.


The bluetooth controller is not attached.


The internet request to the Flic backend failed.


According to the Flic backend, this Flic button supplied invalid identity data.

Method Summary

Methods inherited from Enum

#get, max_octet, next_available_octet, octet_option, octets, option_octet, options, #set