
Flexible dates for Ruby.

FlexDate is currently compatible with Rails 2.x and Rails 3.

The Problem

You are collecting dates of historic events but you don’t always have exact dates. For example, you might know that an event occurred in March of 1862 but you don’t know the exact day. You could store this as a Ruby Date object that looks like ‘1862-03-01’ but, really, you don’t want to specify a day at all. You want to explicitly not store the day part of the date.

The Solution

FlexDate addresses this problem by extending Ruby’s included Date class. At the moment the following methods are provided to create partial dates:

FlexDate.new(year = nil, month = nil, date = nil)

Where a full date (year, month, and day) is specified, a FlexDate behaves exactly like a normal Ruby Date. When a partial date is specified, only the following methods will work:


Comparison operators also (== and <=>) work and I hope to have date arithmetic operators (+ and -) up and running soon.


To install FlexDate, use the standard Rails plugin installation script:

script/plugin install git://github.com/alexreisner/flex_date.git

Integration with Rails/ActiveRecord

The MultipartDate module facilitates integration of FlexDate with ActiveRecord models. It requires that you store each date in three separate columns, each with a _y, _m, or _d suffix. So, if you have a Person model that stores birthdays, the columns required would be (all integers):


Then, simply put this in your Person model (you can list multiple attributes if needed):

multipart_date :birthday

and you’ll be able to do things like this:

# Initialize a new Person object (don't know year they were born).
p = Person.new(:birthday_m => 8, :birthday_d => 23)

# See if their birthday is set.
  => true

# Get their birthday as a FlexDate object.
b = p.birthday
  => #<FlexDate:0xb78b542c ...>

# Display their birthday nicely.
  => "August 23"

# Add the year when you find out.
p.birthday_y = 1964
  => "August 23, 1964"

I’ve also written another Rails plugin called Informant which provides a full-featured FormBuilder class, and includes a multipart_date_select field type which is a good compliment to MultipartDate in your Rails application. Install Informant from my Git repository:

script/plugin install git://github.com/alexreisner/informant.git

Code Discussion

You might expect FlexDate to be a subclass of Date, but this is not the case. That implementation would be far more complicated because the instance methods of Date require certain instance variables to be set, and to meet certain requirements for validity. Massaging the Date class to accept an invalid date seems like the wrong approach for the modest goals of FlexDate, which is simply to allow storing of partial dates, and duplicate the behavior of the Date class when a date is complete.

So instead, FlexDate is a very simple class that inherits from nothing, provides some (hopefully) useful methods for partial dates, and uses method_missing to fall back to Date when a FlexDate object is complete (specifies year, month, and day).

Any comments or suggestions regarding this design are welcome.

To-do List

  • MultipartDate::multipart_date should also generate a setter method.

  • Make date arithmetic work (Date minus FlexDate works, but neither FlexDate minus Date or FlexDate minus FlexDate works).

Copyright © 2008 Alex Reisner ([email protected]), released under the MIT license.