Class: FlexCommerce::AssetFolder

FlexCommerceApi::ApiBase show all
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A flex commerce asset folder model

This model provides access to the flex asset folder and associated files

It is used much like an active record model.

Constant Summary

Constants inherited from FlexCommerceApi::BaseResource

FlexCommerceApi::BaseResource::PRIVATE_ATTRIBUTES, FlexCommerceApi::BaseResource::RELATED_META_RESOURCES

Method Summary

Methods inherited from FlexCommerceApi::ApiBase


Methods inherited from FlexCommerceApi::BaseResource

all, append_version, #as_json_api, capture_surrogate_keys, create!, endpoint_version, find, find_all, #freeze, #initialize, load, #meta_attribute, #method_missing, paginate, password, path, #public_attributes, reconfigure, reconfigure_all, reconfigure_api_base, reload_connection_if_required, #save!, username

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from FlexCommerceApi::BaseResource

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class FlexCommerceApi::BaseResource