Module: FlexColumns::Errors

Defined in:


This module contains definitions for all errors thrown by flex_columns. One of the goals of flex_columns is to, when an error occurs, raise an exception that has a great amount of detail about what happened – in general, it should be enough to know exactly where any invalid or problematic data came from, such as the row in the database containing bad data, invalidly-encoded characters, or similar.

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: Base, ConflictingJsonStorageNameError, DataError, DefinitionError, FieldError, IncorrectlyEncodedStringInDatabaseError, InvalidColumnTypeError, InvalidCompressedDataInDatabaseError, InvalidDataInDatabaseError, InvalidFlexColumnsVersionNumberInDatabaseError, InvalidJsonInDatabaseError, JsonTooLongError, NoSuchColumnError, NoSuchFieldError, UnparseableJsonInDatabaseError