Flashgrid Ext.

Gem Version

Flashgrid Ext. is an extention of useful and cool javascripts for Flashgrid framework

To get started, check out http://flashgrid-ext.drexed.com!


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'flashgrid-ext'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install flashgrid-ext


Add the CSS files you want to include:

*= require aside.css (place after modal)
*= require calendar.css
*= require editor.css
*= require typeahead.css

Add the JS files you want to include:

//= require calendar.js
//= require chart.js
//= require editor.js
//= require input_mask.js
//= require moment.js
//= require sort.js
//= require time_ago.js
//= require typeahead.js