
Provides access to data through their OAuth/REST API. Without user authentication, any data that the a user has denoted as 'public' can be gathered. If a user logs in via OAuth then all exposed data can be gathered.

The API is currently (March 2011) in BETA and is under development to extend its reach. Since it is early in the lifecycle of the API I expect this gem to go through a number of revisions as we attempt to match the functionality of their platform.


If you've ever done any oauth client programming then the model will appear familiar. Your first step, if haven't already, is to visit and register your application to get your consumer key and consumer secret and set your callback URL, if appropriate for your app. There's more documentation at the site so I won't belabor it here.

Below I've included two sample scripts that use Fitgem::Client to retrieve data. One shows how to do the initial authorization without doing the callback; the other shows how to use saved values from that initial authorization to reconnect with the API and get subsequent information.

require 'fitgem'

consumer_key = 'your-app-consumer-key'
consumer_secret = 'your-app-consumer-secret'

client ={:consumer_key => consumer_key, :consumer_secret => consumer_secret})

request_token = client.request_token
token = request_token.token
secret = request_token.secret

puts "Go to{token} and then enter the verifier code below and hit Enter"
verifier = gets.chomp

access_token = client.authorize(token, secret, { :oauth_verifier => verifier })

puts "Verifier is: "+verifier
puts "Token is:    "+access_token.token
puts "Secret is:   "+access_token.secret

After running this and successfully connecting with verifier string that is displayed by the Fitgem site, you can reconnect using the script below. To do so, take the token and secret that were printed out from the script above and paste them in where appropriate. In this example we are using the client to get the

require 'fitgem'

consumer_key = 'your-app-consumer-key'
consumer_secret = 'your-app-consumer-secret'
token = 'token-received-in-above-script'
secret = 'secret-received-in-above-script'
user_id = 'your-user-id' # may be similar to '12345N'

client ={:consumer_key => consumer_key, :consumer_secret => consumer_secret, :token => token, :secret => secret, :user_id => user_id})
access_token = client.reconnect(token, secret)
p client.

You can use this script to learn about the data structures that are returned from different API calls. Since this library always retrieves JSON responses and then parses it into Ruby structures, you can interrogate the response data with simple calls to hashes.

Usage in a Rails Application

We've started to develop an example app using the fitgem client. See for more information.


The Fitbit API allows for you to set up notification subscription so that when values change (via automatic syncs with the fitbit device) your applications can be notified automatically. You can set up a default subscription callback URL via the Fitbit dev site and then use the Subscriptions API to add or remove subscriptions for individual users.

Currently, notification management is experimental in this gem. We've built up code to add and remove specific types of subscriptions (foods, activities, sleep, body) but there seems to be some server-side issues with creating general, all-purpose subscriptions.

The docs are very fuzzy on subscription support at the moment; we definitely plan on extending this support once the backend has matured (or the online docs have improved).


What About ruby-fitbit?

There is a good looking gem called ruby-fitbit that also aims to collect data from the site. It was created before they released their REST API and uses screen-scraping to gather the data rather than through their API. I looked into forking it and refactoring to use the new API but after looking through the code I felt it would be more of a total rewrite and so decided to create a new gem that I could design from scratch.

Why the Name Change?

It turns out that does not want people to create libraries or applications that incorporate the name 'fitbit'. So, on May 12th I changed the name of the project/gem from 'fitbit' to 'fitgem'.


  • 12 July, 2011:
    • Added friends support (get friends, friend leaderboard, create invites, accept/reject invites)
    • Added water support (get water data per date)
    • Added sleep support (get sleep data per date)
    • Added ability to update user profile information
  • 12 May, 2011:
    • Changed name and all references of this project from 'fitbit' to 'fitgem'
  • 11 April, 2011:
    • Fixed an issue where blank user id's are used and an error is thrown.
    • Added support for creating/removing subscriptions (this support is experimental for now, more tests coming)
  • 24 March, 2011:
    • Added logging of activities and foods
    • Added ability to add favorite activities and foods
    • Added ability to delete logged activities and foods, and remove favorite activities and foods
    • Refactored data_by_time_range for more testability
    • Added ability to query devices
  • 19 March, 2011:
    • Updated auth client to support first-time auth and reconnections (if you have previously been authorized and received token/secret).
    • Added 'named' retrieval of activities and foods (recent_, favorite_, frequent_)
    • Added ability to log weight back to the site using the API
  • 18 March, 2001: First revision. Supports the auth process via oauth, and retrieval of user info and activities.


To be clear: I am not employed by I created this library to assist other ruby developers in creating interesting applications on top of's data store and device data stream.

Contributing to fitgem

The Fitbit REST API is in BETA right now, and so it will quite likely change over time (though I can't be sure whether it will be additive change or change of the non-backwards-compatible variety). I aim to keep as up-to-date as I can but if you absolutely need functionality that isn't included here, feel free to fork and implement it, then send me a pull request.

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it
  • Fork the project
  • Start a feature/bugfix branch
  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.

Copyright (c) 2011 Zachery Moneypenny. See LICENSE.txt for further details.