Fit Commit

A Git hook to validate your commit messages based on community standards.


``` $ git commit Adding a cool feature foobar foobar foobar, foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar foobar

1: Error: Message must use imperative present tense. 2: Error: Second line must be blank. 3: Error: Lines should be <= 72 chars. (76)

Force commit? [y/n/e] ▊ ```


  • Ruby >= 1.9 (OS X users already have this installed)


Install the gem:

$ gem install fit-commit

Install the hook in your Git repo:

$ fit-commit install

This creates a .git/hooks/commit-msg script which will automatically check your Git commit messages.


  • Line Length: All lines must be <= 72 chars (URLs excluded). First line should be <= 50 chars. Second line must be blank.
  • Tense: Message must use imperative present tense: “Fix bug” and not “Fixed bug” or “Fixes bug.”
  • Subject Period: Do not end your subject line with a period.
  • Capitalize Subject: Begin all subject lines with a capital letter.
  • Frat House: No offensive content.
  • WIP: Do not commit WIPs to shared branches (disabled by default)


Settings are read from these files in increasing precedence: /etc/fit_commit.yml, $HOME/.fit_commit.yml, config/fit_commit.yml, ./.fit_commit.yml.

These are the default settings that can be overridden:


Validators/LineLength: Enabled: true MaxLineLength: 72 SubjectWarnLength: 50 AllowLongUrls: true Validators/Tense: Enabled: true Validators/SubjectPeriod: Enabled: true Validators/CapitalizeSubject: Enabled: true Validators/Frathouse: Enabled: true Validators/Wip: Enabled: false ```

The Enabled property accepts multiple formats:

yaml # true/false to enable/disable the validation (branch agnostic) Validators/Foo: Enabled: false # Array of String/Regex matching each branch for which it's enabled Validators/Bar: Enabled: - master - !ruby/regexp /\Afoo.+bar/

Adding Custom Validators

Create your custom validator as a FitCommit::Validators::Base subclass:

```ruby module FitCommit module Validators class MyCustomValidator < Base def validate_line(lineno, text) if text =~ /sneak peak/i add_error(lineno, “I think you mean ‘sneak peek’.”) end end end end end

A validator can also validate the commit message as a whole:

module FitCommit module Validators class MyCustomValidator < Base def validate(lines) if lines.none? { |line| line.text =~ /#\d+/ } add_warning(lines.last.lineno, “Related issue not referenced.”) end end end end end ```

Require the file and enable the validator in your config:

yaml FitCommit: Require: - somedir/my_custom_validator.rb Validators/MyCustomValidator: Enabled: true

You can also publish your validator as a gem, and require it that way:

yaml FitCommit: Require: - my-custom-validator-gem Validators/MyCustomValidator: Enabled: true

If others might find your validator useful, submit it as a Pull Request. If it’s not useful for everyone, it can be disabled by default.


Can Fit Commit run in all my repos without having to install it each time?

First set your global Git template directory:

$ git config --global init.templatedir '~/.git_template' $ mkdir -p ~/.git_template/hooks

Now you can copy the hooks you want installed in new repos by default:

# From a repo where Fit Commit is already installed $ cp .git/hooks/commit-msg ~/.git_template/hooks/commit-msg

To copy your default hooks into existing repos:

$ git init

Who decided these rules?

Fit Commit aims to enforce community standards. The two influential guides are:

The Git community has largely (but not completely) coalesced around these standards. Chris Beams and the Pro Git book also provide good summaries on why we have them.

How can I improve Fit Commit?

Fit Commit aims to be useful to everyone. If you can suggest an improvement to make it useful to more people, please open a GitHub Issue or Pull Request. See for more info.


Author: Mike Foley

Inspiration taken from: Tim Pope, Jason Fox, Addam Hardy, pre-commit

Similar projects: - gitlint (written in Python) - fit-commit-js (Node.js package)