Firefox Zip

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This gem library is Firefox os application package file (.zip) analyzer. you can read any information of zip files.


$ gem install firefox_zip

# or

gem 'firefox_zip'
$ bundle install

How to use

require 'firefox_zip'

app = FirefoxZip.analyze('/path/to/')           # [String] app name
app.description    # [String] app description
app.launch_path    # [String] app launch path
app.icon           # [File] app default icon
app.icons          # [Array] app icons
app.developer      # [Hash] app developer info
app.default_locale # [String] app default locale
app.locales        # [Hash] app locales
app.type           # [String] app type
app.permissions    # [Array] app permissions
app.version        # [String] app version
app.size           # [Fixnum] app zip file size

app.to_hash        # [Hash] app info to hash
