Fill Murray

Fill Murray makes it super simple to add placeholder images of Bill Murray, Nick Cage or Steven Segal to your Rails projects. It uses the websites created by Dave Cowart to serve images.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'fill_murray'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install fill_murray


Fill Murray gives you a view helper to easily add images: fill_murray.

<%= fill_murray %>

This will render an image of Bill Murray at a random height and width between 100px and 1000px.



You can explicitly control image dimensions -- width and height:

<%= fill_murray :width => 200, :height => 300 %>

To get more variety in your images, you can instead pass a ratio:

<%= fill_murray :ratio => '1:2' %>

Note: The ratio should be a string of two numbers, separated by a :.

You can pass any two numbers if square. For example, '500:500' gets reduced to '1:1'. Ratios are generated such that the larger dimension can never be larger than 1000px.

Note: The ratio may never be greater or equal to than 10x. In other words, it may never be greater than or equal to '10:1' or '1:10'. For example, '1000:100' will not work, but '1000:101' will.

Person / Subject

The default is an image of Bill Murray. If you'd rather use Nick Cage or Steven Segal, you can pass a :person parameter. Acceptable values are:

  • 'Nick', 'Cage', 'Nick Cage'
  • 'Steve', 'Steven', 'Segal', 'Steven Segal'

Any other values with render an image of Bill Murray.


<%= fill_murray :person => 'Nick', :ratio => '9:1' %>


Each of the subjects can yield grey (black & white) images. Simply pass :grey => true for black and white images:

<%= fill_murray :person => 'Nick', :ratio => '9:1', :grey => true %>

Nick Cage has another option -- :crazy -- to render crazy images of Nick Cage (which are approximately 50% of all images of Nick Cage).

<%= fill_murray :person => 'Nick', :ratio => '9:1', :crazy => true %>

A couple notes to consider:

  • :crazy will not work if :person => 'Nick' has not been specified.
  • :grey will always override :crazy. You may not pass both options.


You can send some HTML attributes to the image tag:

  • alt : adds alternate attribute to image tag
  • class : adds class(es) to image tag
<%= fill_murray :grey => true, :class => "panoramic" %>

The Future

Have an idea for adding something other subjects? Or maybe more options? Send me a note.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request