
A set of scripts to manage files on multiple dc/host/drive.

Item (storage unit)- file or folder. Storage - folder, usually separate drive. Policy - rule for selecting storage to store the item and сreate copies. Copy rule - additional rule for copies сreate.

Daemon monitors the availability of each storage and copy files between them.

If the storage is not available or ended the available space is used another available storage according to the policy.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'filecluster'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install filecluster

Create policy

Selecting available storage to store item by policy.create_storages (from left to tight).

Copy policy

Used first available storage. First try copy rules (copy_storages field, from left to right). After that storage.copy_storages (from left to right).

Copy rule is ruby expression. Can be used the following variables:

  • item_id
  • size
  • item_copies
  • name
  • tag
  • dir
  • src_storage (FC::Storage instance)


name default value description
global_daemon_host set fc_daemon when run global daemon task (only in one instance)
daemon_cycle_time 30 time between global daemon checks and storages available checks
daemon_global_wait_time 120 time between runs global daemon if it does not running
daemon_tasks_copy_group_limit 1000 select limit for copy tasks
daemon_tasks_delete_group_limit 10000 select limit for delete tasks
daemon_tasks_copy_threads_limit 10 copy tasks threads count limit for one storage
daemon_tasks_delete_threads_limit 10 delete tasks threads count limit for one storage
daemon_copy_tasks_per_host_limit 10 copy tasks count limit for one host
daemon_copy_speed_per_host_limit 0 copy tasks speed limit for hosts, change via fc-manage copy_speed
daemon_global_tasks_group_limit 1000 select limit for create copy tasks
daemon_global_error_items_ttl 86400 ttl for items with error status before delete
daemon_global_error_items_storages_ttl 86400 ttl for items_storages with error status before delete
daemon_restart_period 86400 time between fc-daemon self restart


TODO: Write usage instructions here


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request