FileTransferMixin ==

FileTransferMixin is a module that you can include in a library. It will support various mechanisms long-term, but for now is focused on SFTP servers.

  • sftp_send(key, remote_location, local_file_path)

  • sftp_fetch(key, remote_path, local_path)

  • It expects an ENV variable named FILE_TRANSFER_MIXIN_CONFIG_PATH to be set.

  • It expects a yml configuration file in FILE_TRANSFER_MIXIN_CONFIG_PATH that looks like the following:


    :username: user
    :password: pass

:test: {}

:production: {}

Then in a class, you would deal with it thusly:

class SomeClass

include FileTransferMixin

# Some method that uploads a file
def some_method
  sftp_send(:some_key, remote_path, local_path)

# Some method that fetches a file
def fetch_method
  sftp_fetch(:some_key, remote_path, local_path)


Motivation ==

We have quite a few libraries that interact with remote SFTP servers, and inevitably they share massive swathes of code that should be unnecessary. This intends to be a mixin to make the easy things extremely easy.