
FilePool helps to manage a large number of files in a Ruby project. It takes care of the storage of files in a balanced directory tree and generates unique identifiers for all files.

Optionally FilePool can use symmetric encryption for all files managed.

FilePool does not deal with file meta information. It's only purpose is to return a file's location given a file identifier, which was generated when the file was added to the pool.

The identifiers are strings of UUID Type 4 (random), which are also used as file names. The directory tree is a 3 level structure using the 3 first hexadecimal digits of a UUID as path. For example:


FilePool is tested with Ruby 1.8.7, 2.0.0 and 2.2.1.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'file_pool'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install file_pool



Set up the root path under which all files will reside:

FilePool.setup '/var/lib/files'

In a Rails project the file pool setup would be placed in an intializer:


Example Usage

Adding files (perhaps after completed upload)

fid = FilePool.add('/Temp/p348dvhn4')

Get location of previously added file

path = FilePool.path(fid)

Remove a file



FilePool can store files symmetrically encrypted using AES-256-CBC. In order to switch FilePool to encryption pass the location of a file containing the secret:

FilePool.setup '/var/lib/files', :secrets_file => '/etc/filepool_secrets.yml'

This file is initialized with a random secret if it is not present. The key and initialization vector stored there will be used for all files. When you request a file with the FilePool#path method FilePool decrypts it first and returns a path to the decrypted file.

In encryption mode the filepool root directory name is suffixed with "_secured", so that mixed mode (encryped and plain) operation is possible.


FilePool has a straight forward way of storing files. It doesn't use any form of index. As long as you stick to directory structure outlined above you can:

  • move the entire pool somewhere else
  • split the pool using symbolic links or mount points to remote file systems
  • merge file pools by copying them into one

There is no risk of overwriting, because UUID type 4 file names are unique. (up to an extremely small collision probability).


Make sure to store the generated file identifiers safely. There is no way of identifying a file again when it's ID is lost. In doubt generate a hash value from the file and store it somewhere else.

For large files the pool root should be on the same file system as the files added to the pool. Then adding a file returns immediately. Otherwise files will be copied which may take a significant time.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request