Ferrum - fearless Ruby Chrome/Chromium driver

As simple as Puppeteer, though even simpler. It is Ruby clean and high-level API to Chrome/Chromium through the DevTools Protocol. Runs headless by default, but you can configure it to run in a non-headless mode.

Navigate to example.com and save a screenshot:

browser = Ferrum::Browser.new
browser.screenshot(path: "example.png")

Interact with a page:

browser = Ferrum::Browser.new
input = browser.at_css("input[title='Search']")
input.send_keys("Ruby headless driver for Capybara", :Enter)
browser.at_css("a > h3").text # => "machinio/cuprite: Headless Chrome driver for Capybara - GitHub"

The README will be updated soon. Meanwhile take a look at specs.