
Gem adds the contact us dialog window to your Rails application. Gem uses jquery-ui/dialog to work.

Engine tested on rails 3.2.

How to use it:

  1. Add to Gemfile:

    gem 'feedbacks'
  2. Setup ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings

  3. Run and change in generated initializers/feedbacks.rb :from and :to emails:

    rails generate feedbacks:initializer
  4. Run:

    rake feedbacks:install:migrations && rake db:migrate
  5. Add to config/routes.rb:

    mount Feedbacks::Engine => "/feedbacks"
  6. Add to view where you need feedback form:

    <div id='feedback-form' title='Feedback form title' >
      <%= link_to "Contact us", feedbacks.new_feedback_sender_path, :remote => true, :class => 'feedback' %>
  7. Add to application.js and application.css:

    require feedbacks/application
  8. Thats all. Feedback saves in feedbacks_feedbacks table in database and then sends to your :to email.

Tests are placed in test/dummy.

To try this engine goto test/dummy and enjoy it in the localhost by running rails server.

Using at

This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.