
Rss and Atom feed parser built on top of Nokogiri. Supports custom sanitizers.

Build Status

Build Status

FeedParser gem is tested on Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.3.


Add to Gemfile

gem "feed_parser"


# the most basic use case
fp = FeedParser.new(:url => "http://example.com/feed/")
# with sanitizer
fp = FeedParser.new(:url => "http://example.com/feed/", :sanitizer => MyBestestSanitizer.new)
# sanitizing custom field set
fp = FeedParser.new(:url => "http://example.com/feed/", :sanitizer => MyBestestSanitizer.new, :fields_to_sanitize => [:title, :content])

# retrieve the feed xml and parse it
feed = fp.parse

# using parsed feed in your code
# => {:title => "Feed title", :url => "http://example.com/feed/", :items => [{:guid => , :title => , :author => ...}]}

feed.items.each do |feed_item|
  pp feed_item

# you can also pass http options to be used for the connection
# for available options, check out the OpenURI documentation: http://apidock.com/ruby/OpenURI
fp = FeedParser.new(:url => "http://example.com/feed/", :http => {:ssl_verify_mode => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE})

If the fetched XML is not a valid RSS or an ATOM feed, a FeedParser::UnknownFeedType is raised in FeedParser#parse.

Running tests

Install dependencies:

$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install

Run rspec tests:

$ bundle exec rake spec


Fork, hack, push, create a pull request.