Ruby API Library for Fat Zebra

Build Status

Release 3.0.6 for API version 1.0

A Ruby client for the Fat Zebra Online Payment Gateway (for Australian Merchants)


  • Ruby (tested on 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4)
  • Rest Client


gem install fat_zebra

Or in a Rails App (or similar, with Bundler), in your Gemfile:

gem "fat_zebra"


require 'fat_zebra'

# Configuration only needs to be done once, usually in your rails initializers
FatZebra.configure do |config|
  config.username = 'TEST'
  config.token    = 'TEST'

purchase = FatZebra::Purchase.create(
  amount:      10000,
  card_holder: 'Bill Simpson',
  card_number: '5123456789012346',
  card_expiry: '05/2023',
  cvv:         '123',
  reference:   'ORDER-23',
  customer_ip: ''

if purchase.successful?
  puts "Transaction ID: #{}"
  abort "Error in transaction: #{purchase.errors}"


Full API reference can be found at


If you have any issue with the Fat Zebra Ruby Client please contact us at [email protected] and we will be more then happy to help out. Alternatively you may raise an issue in github.

Pull Requests

If you would like to contribute to the plugin please fork the project, make your changes within a feature branch and then submit a pull request. All pull requests will be reviewed as soon as possible and integrated into the main branch if deemed suitable.