Class: FatTable::AoaFormatter

Formatter show all
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A subclass of Formatter for rendering the table as a Ruby Array of Arrays. Each cell is formatted as a string in accordance with the formatting directives. All footers are included as extra Arrays of the output. AoaFormatter supports no +options+

Constant Summary

Constants inherited from Formatter


Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Formatter

#footers, #format_at, #gfooters, #options, #table

Method Summary

Methods inherited from Formatter

#avg_footer, #avg_gfooter, #decorate_string, default_format, #foot, #footer, #format, #format_cell, #format_for, #gfoot, #gfooter, #initialize, #max_footer, #max_gfooter, #min_footer, #min_gfooter, #output, #sum_footer, #sum_gfooter

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from FatTable::Formatter