Fastlane unreleased_changelog plugin

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Getting Started

This project is a fastlane plugin. To get started with fastlane-plugin-unreleased_changelog, add it to your project by running:

fastlane add_plugin unreleased_changelog

About unreleased_changelog

A fastlane plugin to manage unreleased changelog using a YML file. ๐Ÿš€

This plugin is inspired by and based on Keep a CHANGELOG project. Keep a CHANGELOG proposes a standardised format for keeping change log of your project repository in Changelog.yml file. This file contains a curated, chronologically ordered list of notable changes for each version of a project in human readable format.

Since Keep a CHANGELOG project proposes a well-defined structure with sections (e.g.: [Unreleased], [0.1.0]) and subsections (Added, Changed, Deprecated, Removed, Fixed, Security) it opens up an opportunity to automate reading from/writing to Changelog.yml with fastlane.

YML changlog file structure

Changelog.yml file must follow structure proposed by Keep a CHANGELOG project.

  - added new feature 1.1
  - added new feature 2.1
  - removed deprecated feature XYZ
  - bug-fix 3
[0.1.0-Release] - 2020-04-30:
  - added new feature 1
  - added new feature 2
  - bug-fix 1
  - bug-fix 2


fastlane-plugin-unreleased_changelog consists of 5 actions enabling you to manipulate Changelog.yml from fastlane.

๐Ÿ”Ž ensure_unreleased_changelog

Ensures the content of the Unreleased section from your project's Changelog.yml file. Raises an exception if Unreleased section found empty, print the Unreleased section changelog if found.

ensure_unreleased_changelog # Raises an exception if `Unreleased` section is empty
  file_name: 'custom_changelog_file_name',  # Specify the custom YML changelog file name (dafault `changelog`)
  show_diff: false  # Show the `Unreleased` section changelog, if found. (dafault true)

๐Ÿ“ add_unreleased_changelog

Add a new entry inside your Unreleased section of your project's Changelog.yml file.

  entry: "added new feature" # Add new changelog entry inside `Unreleased` section's `Addded` _subsections_
  entry: "bug-fix 1", # New changelog entry for `Unreleased` section
  type: "Fixed"  # Add new changelog entry inside `Fixed` _subsections_ (dafault `Added`)
  entry: "bug-fix 1", # New changelog entry for `Unreleased` section
  type: "Fixed",  # Add new changelog entry inside `Fixed` _subsections_ (dafault `Added`)
  file_name: 'custom_changelog_file_name'   # Specify the custom YML changelog file name (dafault `changelog`)

โœ‚๏ธ delete_unreleased_changelog

Delete an entry from your Unreleased section of your project's Changelog.yml file. Very handly, if your Changelog.yml contains Project tickets i.e JIRA ticket(s) etc and you want to automatically delete some changelog entry based on JIRA ticket number.

  entry: "some feature number" # Delete changelog entry from `Unreleased` section
  entry: "bug-fix 1", # Delete changelog entry from `Unreleased` section
  file_name: 'custom_changelog_file_name'   # Specify the custom YML changelog file name (dafault `changelog`)


Get all the Unreleased section changelog of your project's Changelog.yml file. It will ruturn the Array for hash for Unreleased section's subsections (Added, Changed, Deprecated, Removed, Fixed, Security). Based on your workflow you can do what-ever you want with Unreleased changelog. ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป

  file_name: 'custom_changelog_file_name'   # Specify the custom YML changelog file name (dafault `changelog`)


Stamps the Unreleased section with provided tag in your project Changelog.yml file and sets up a new Unreleased section above it for upcoming release.

  tag: 'v0.1.0' # The tag, (usually a git-tag name) for stamping the `Unreleased` section
  tag: 'v0.1.0',    # The tag, (usually a git-tag name) for stamping the `Unreleased` section
  file_name: 'custom_changelog_file_name'   # Specify the custom YML changelog file name (dafault `changelog`)


You have to remember to keep your Changelog.yml up-to-date with whatever features, bug fixes etc. your repo contains and let fastlane do the rest.

desc "Upload a iOS beta build to Testflight with changelog."
lane :beta do
  ensure_unreleased_changelog   # Making sure changelog exist!

  gym # Build the app and create .ipa file

  changelog = get_unreleased_changelog # Get changelog
  pilot(changelog: changelog) # Upload beta build to TestFlight with changelog

  version_number = get_version_number # Get project version
  build_number = get_build_number # Get build number
  git_tag_name = "#{version_number}-#{build_number}-beta-release"

  stamp_unreleased_changelog(tag: git_tag_name) # Stamp Unreleased section
  git_commit(path: ".", message: "#{git_tag_name} Beta release") # git commit `Changelog.yml` file

  add_git_tag(tag: git_tag_name)  # Add git tag
  push_to_git_remote # Push `Changelog.yml` file and git-tag to remote 

  slack(message: "Hi team, we have a new beta build #{git_tag_name}, which includes the following: #{changelog}") # share on Slack

Issues and Feedback

For any other issues and feedback about this plugin, please submit it to this repository.


If you have trouble using plugins, check out the Plugins Troubleshooting guide.

Using fastlane Plugins

For more information about how the fastlane plugin system works, check out the Plugins documentation.

About fastlane

fastlane is the easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps. To learn more, check out