try_scan plugin

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About try_scan

The easiest way to rerun tests of your iOS and Mac app 🚀

Under the hood try_scan uses official fastlane scan action, it means that you are able to provide any scan options and use Scanfile as before — everything will work like a charm, try_scan just brings couple of new amazing options:

Option Description Default
try_count Number of times to try to get your tests green 1
try_parallel Should first run be executed in parallel? Equivalent to -parallel-testing-enabled true
retry_parallel Should subsequent runs be executed in parallel? Required try_parallel: true true
parallel_workers Specify the exact number of test runners that will be spawned during parallel testing. Equivalent to -parallel-testing-worker-count and concurrent_workers
retry_strategy What would you like to retry after failure: test, class or suite? test


Getting Started

To get started with try_scan, add it to your project by running:

$ fastlane add_plugin try_scan


  workspace: "Example.xcworkspace",
  devices: ["iPhone 7", "iPad Air"],
  try_count: 3